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Jamika Shivers
Social Worker
Student Operations
936-205-1000 Ext. 8605
Zack Simpson
Project Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8883
Cindy Smith
Maintenance Facilitator
936-569-5726 Ext. 3900
Sherry Smith
Athletics Department Secretary
936-564-2466 Ext. 2816
Dana Solomon
Principal – Mike Moses Elementary School
Laurie Stamper
Director of Student Nutrition
Student Nutrition
Michelle St. John
Administrative Assistant
936-569-5000 Ext. 8893
Maury Tarvin
Assistant Superintendent of Safety, Student Management & Operations
936-569-5000 Ext. 8813
Chanequal Tatum
936-569-5000 Ext. 8810
Gabriel Trujillo
936-569-5000 Ext. 8826
Deborah Trujillo
Digital Learning Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8814
Jordan Uribe
Mobile Device Manager
936-569-5000 Ext. 8869
Ray Vega
Help Desk Technican
936-569-5000 Ext. 8849
Claude Warren
Shop Supervisor
936-552-8780 Ext 3707
Julia Wells
Principal- Raguet Elementary
936-569-5052 Ext. 6500
Kimberly Welsh
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Academics
(936) 569-5000
Harold Whitaker
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Human Resources
936-569-5000 Ext. 8812
Melinda Wiebold
Math Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8870
Amber Wilson
Principal – Brooks-Quinn-Jones Elementary
936-569-5000 ext.5040
Erin Windham
Community Engagement Liaison – Coordinator of Parent & Patron Assistance Center|Executive Director Nacogdoches ISD Education Foundation
936-569-5000 Ext. 8877