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Michael Martin
Deputy Superintendent
936-569-5000 Ext. 8820
Michael Early
Print Shop Operator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8854
Michelle St. John
Administrative Assistant
936-569-5000 Ext. 8893
Nakendra Matthews
Science Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext.8861
Nancy Ard
Administrative Assistant
Teaching and Learning
936-569-5000 Ext. 8862
Patti Adkins
Plant Services
936-5969-5726 Ext 3910
Paula Harshbarger
Principal- Thomas J. Rusk Elementary
936-569-3100 Ext. 7267
Raegan Grisby
Grant Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8864
Ralph LaRue
Director of Facilities and Construction
936-569-5726 Ext. 3900
Ray Vega
Help Desk Technican
936-569-5000 Ext. 8849
Reggie Hudson
Energy Specialist
936-462-8430 Ext. 3152
Roxanne Lathan
Principal – Margie Chumbley Academy for Success
Roy Eberlan
Chief Financial Officer
Business Office
(936) 569-5000, ex. 8845
Samantha Havard
Digital Learning Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8814
Sarah Enos
Purchasing Supervisor
936-569-5000 Ext. 8836
Shaunta Rogers
Director of PEIMS
936-569-5000 Ext. 8860
Sherry Smith
Athletics Department Secretary
936-564-2466 Ext. 2816
Summer Adams
Director of Transportation
(936) 552-8780
Tammy McDonald
Technology Integration Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8844
Trisha Mayfield
Payroll Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8858