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Eileen Acevedo
HR Secretary
936-569-5000 Ext. 8800
Patti Adkins
Plant Services
936-5969-5726 Ext 3910
Jessica Anderson
Humanities Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8856
Holly Anderson
Superintendent Administrative Assistant
936-569-5000 Ext. 8826
Crystal Ballard
Teaching and Learning
Cindy Bertin
Human Resource Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8832
Angelica Bocanegra
PEIMS Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8822
Ashley Boyett
Director of Assessment and Accountability
936-569-5000 ext 8823
Carmen Cano
District Translator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8818
Holly Canterberry
Administrative Assistant of CFO
Business Office
936-569-5000 Ext. 8845
Lauren Canty
K-2 Literacy Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8811
Joel Cook
Police Officer
936-569-5001 Ext. 4518
Jo Lynn Corley
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
936-569-5000 Ext. 8852
Alma Covarrubias
Student Operations
936-552-0531 Ext. 2236
Kevin Croft
Principal – Nacogdoches High School
936-564-2466 Ext. 2224
Jimbo Danielson
Supervisor of Maintenance and Grounds
Plant Services
936-569-5726 Ext. 3905
Michael Early
Print Shop Operator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8854
Magda English
Human Resource Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8834
Sarah Enos
Purchasing Supervisor
936-569-5000 Ext. 8836
Ivette Flores
936- 569-5787 Ext. 4112