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Gerald Fonzie
Principal- McMichael Middle School
(936) 552-0519 Ext. 4110
Eric Forney
Systems Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8850
Wendy Fox
Director of Finance
936-569-5000 Ext. 8840
Joyce Garcia
Director of Student Programs
936-569-5000 ext 8857
Raegan Grisby
Grant Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8864
Paula Harshbarger
Principal- Thomas J. Rusk Elementary
936-569-3100 Ext. 7267
Samantha Havard
Digital Learning Coordinator
936-569-5000 Ext. 8814
Keith Hayter
Supervisor of HVAC
Plant Services
936-569-5726 Ext. 3904
Brenda Hernandez
936-552-8780 Ext 3701
Daya Hill
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Academics
936-569-5000 Ext. 8870
Darby House
Athletic Director
Reggie Hudson
Energy Specialist
936-462-8430 Ext. 3152
Kayla Hughes
Executive Director of Deaf Education
936-552-0531 Ext. 3400
Deshmond Johnson
Director of Fine Arts
936.569.5000 Ext. 8819
Ralph LaRue
Director of Facilities and Construction
936-569-5726 Ext. 3900
Roxanne Lathan
Principal – Margie Chumbley Academy for Success
Victor Lee
Campus Technican
936-569-5000 Ext. 8846
Cassady Lindsey
Purchasing Specialist/Accounts Payable Clerk
936-569-5000 Ext. 8839
Les Linebarger
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
936-569-5000 Ext. 8893
Ana Lopez
Human Resource Specialist
936-569-5000 Ext. 8828