Here is what is happening at Raguet next week! Please remember that we have a teacher work day on Monday, September 25th. Enjoy your long weekend!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Faculty Friday Shoutout! Take some time to learn more about Mrs. Hutchens, Mrs. Holmes and Ms. Joanna. We appreciate you and the work you do for our students at Raguet!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Check out our Monday Memo for what is happening next week. Have a wonderful weekend!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Spanish Monday Memo
Monday Memo
Faculty Friday Shoutout! Learn more about Ms. Cortes, Mrs. Delcambre and Mrs. Doris! Thank you for all you do for our students.
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Mrs. Doris
Mrs. Delcambre
Ms. Cortes
Picture Day is Coming!! September 27th at Raguet Elementary....please mark your calendars!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Order Form
We are excited to host Marvelous Math Night on Tuesday, September 19th from 5:30 - 6:30. Please scan the QR code to Pre-Register for the event in order to have a badge printed and ready for you to pick up. Each person attending with their student(s) MUST have a badge. The form will close at 8 AM on Tuesday morning in order to prepare all of the badges ahead of time.
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Marvelous Math Night
Monday Memo - Week of 9/11/23 Here is what we have going on this week!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Monday Memo - Spanish
Monday Memo - English
Faculty Friday Shoutout! Let's learn more about Ms. Hazel, Coach Gatson and Ms. Dee! Thank you for all you do each and every day!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Ms. Dee
Coach Gatson
Mrs. Hazel
Here is the Monday Memo for the week of September 4th. Have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy Labor Day!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Monday Memo
Monday Memo Spanish
Faculty Friday Shoutout! Let's learn more about Mrs. Hiebert, Mrs. Carla our amazing secretary and Ms. Fontenot our new music teacher! Thank you for all you do at Raguet!!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Mrs. Carla
Ms. Fontenot
Mrs. Hiebert
Walgreens in Nacogdoches is offering free flu shots for all Raguet students! Thank you Walgreens for caring about our students and families!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Flu Shot Image
Here is the Monday Memo for 8/28 - 9/1 so you can check out what is happening at school this week!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Monday Memo
Spanish Monday Memo
It's time to order your Raguet Spirit Shirt!! If your child did not bring an order form home please reach out to their teacher to send another one home or grab a copy of it on our website in the documents folder!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Spirit Shirt Order Form
Faculty Friday Shoutout!! We are so thankful for our teachers and staff! Learn more about our school nurse Ms. Amanda, Mrs. Clifton - 2nd Grade Teacher and Ms. Anna - 1st Grade Paraprofessional.
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Mrs. Clifton Shoutout
Ms. Anna Shoutout
Mrs. Amanda Shout out
Parents/Guardians: We have been notified that a portion of Raguet Street will be closed next Tuesday and Wednesday August 29th and 30th. We wanted to relay this information to you as soon as possible to allow ample time to adjust our car line. Please take note of the map to show the changes that should help the car line still move fluidly with minimal delay. Please use Pecan Street and Pine Street to move around the road closure. Pine Street will bring you back to Raguet Street where you can access the car line entrance as usual. Thank you so much for your understanding and your continued support and cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Road Closure Map
Here is the Monday Memo for the week of 8/21/23 - 8/25/23. Have a wonderful weekend!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Spanish - Week of 8/21/23 Monday Memo
Week of 8/21/23 Monday Memo
Parents, Please make note of our new ID badge policy. All students MUST have a badge when they get on the bus or are dropped off in the car line in the morning. Thank you for your help!
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
ID Badge Parent Letter
Here is the Monday Memo for the first week of school.
over 1 year ago, Deidre Merseal
Monday Memo Week of 8/14
Spanish Monday Memo Week of 8/14
Last day pictures of Mrs. Anthony's kinder friends from Carnival and their Lilo & Stitch Party! Happy summer, friends!
over 1 year ago, Raguet Webmaster
Reminder... Parents, see below for information about FREE food distributions that will be taking place every month, no eligibility requirements at all! Padres de familia, para su informacion, habra una distribucion de comida GRATIS cada mes sin requisitos de eligibilidad!
over 1 year ago, Raguet Webmaster
Food Bank
Food Bank