Eighth-graders from McMichael and Mike Moses Middle Schools got to talk CTE programs this week with those who know the career and technical department at Nacogdoches High School the best: NHS students themselves.
CTE Exploration Day lets middle schoolers who will be attending NHS next year visit the newly constructed Malcolm Rector Center for Advanced Careers and Innovation. At the center located behind Nacogdoches High School, eighth-graders viewed a Program Fair, where tables were manned by NHS students.
The exploration of CTE offerings at the high school begins a two-week period that will include a CTE showcase for parents of eighth-graders on Feb. 3 then registration meetings on Feb. 8 at Mike Moses and Feb. 10 at McMichael.
“There are more than 15 CTE programs offered at NHS, and sometimes it can be stressful for students and their parents to decide which is best for them,” said Jacob Lusk, NISD’s Director of Career & Technical Education.
The middle schoolers also received a “CTE 101” course from Coy Van Valkenburgh, the department’s career and technical advisor, then toured the CTE center as well as newly renovated sections of existing career and technical classrooms and labs.
“Ultimately, we want incoming ninth-grade students to make the most informed decision possible when they register for high school classes,” Van Valkenburgh said. “A major benefit of this event is letting eighth-grade students enter the classroom, participate in demonstrations, and interact with high school students. We feel this is more impactful than selecting courses solely from a course catalog.”
During the visit to the high school, the eighth-graders narrowed down the programs they were interested in to a top three, Lusk said. Career and technical education offerings at NISD include programs in Business and Industry, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Public Service.
“Next week, NHS counselors will meet individually with all district eighth-graders at both middle schools to discuss their class options for the next academic year,” Lusk said.
Middle schoolers in Nacogdoches are already engaged in CTE courses. A variety of offerings are available – and many of them provide high school credit, Lusk said, so students are able to begin meeting graduation requirements as early as seventh grade. Next academic year, when all NISD middle school students will be attending McMichael, the district will offer Principles of Audio/Video and Graphic Design, Business Information Management and Robotics I.
“All students must take one of these courses before graduating from NHS, so we’re excited to offer middle school students a chance to get ahead by taking these high school-level classes,” said Lusk.
CTE student and parent meeting schedule:
Feb. 3 – CTE Showcase for Parents, 5:30-7 p.m. at Malcolm Rector CTE Center, located on Maroney Drive behind the high school (students can also turn in their course selection sheets at this showcase instead of turning them in at the registration nights listed below).
Feb. 8 – Mike Moses High School Registration Night, 5:30-7 p.m., Nacogdoches High School.
Feb. 10 – McMichael High School Registration Night, 5:30-7 p.m., Nacogdoches High School.