Board Notes – Regular Meeting June 20, 2024


Regular Meeting

Thursday, June 20, 2024

CLICK HERE to view the meeting



Board entered closed session at 5:01 p.m.

Board returned to open session at 6:07 p.m.


A. Invocation was provided by Leabeth Abt.

B. Pledges of Allegiance were led by Mindy Winslow.


A. Superintendent Announcements – Dr. Gabriel Trujillo

We’re four weeks into summer and there are a lot of projects going on around the district, which is normal for this time of year.

Work is underway at Thomas J. Rusk Elementary, where a project approved by the board in February will do the following: 

  • Re-pave all parking lots and driveways

  • Create a new parking lot to the east of the Old University Building

  • Install drainage improvements

  • Replace the main water line

  • and, Reconfigure and pave the drop-off sidewalks and courtyards at the campus

All of those improvements are greatly needed at TJR, and I know our staff and parents of our students will be grateful once that work is complete.

At Nacogdoches High School, work has started on removal and replacement of all sealant and caulking at the buildings’ expansion joints, window and door frames, all wall penetrations, and sidewalk and paving joints. The scope will also include the power wash, preparation, and installation of new masonry sealer at all exterior walls.

At the Plant Services facility, work is continuing on resurfacing the parking area and service area surrounding the building. This project was much-needed for our staff who make sure everything else is working properly throughout the district.

Other projects that are taking place this summer include finishing up some renovations at the Nettie Marshall campus, which will be the new home for our Student Support Services, who are boxed up and ready to move. Then, our technology department will be moved from this building, the E.J. Campbell facility, to the soon-to-be former site for Student Support Services. So, there’s a lot going on this summer…

Before I wrap up everything, I do want to mention an interview committee has been meeting with prospects for high school principal to replace Stephen Autrey, who announced his retirement late last month. In the next week, the committee will make its recommendations and I will then meet with those applicants. We certainly hope to have someone named to fill that position by July 1 so we can have everything pointed in the right direction. And as I said earlier, NISD will miss Mr. Autrey. He’s been a first-rate principal at Nacogdoches High School and, before that, Mike Moses Middle School. I’m also convinced Mr. Autrey leaves in place a winning game plan for NHS moving forward. His staff and leadership team here at NHS will continue to encourage students to be champions.


Three people asked to address the Board of Trustees: Damien Oldmixon, Lisa Oldmixon and Karen Dickinson voiced concerns about NISD’s Transportation Department.


  1. Public meeting to discuss the proposed 2024-25 budget and proposed tax rate – Lisa Barbarick

  2. Public input/comments – No one asked to comment on the proposed budget and tax rate.


Unless removed from the Consent Agenda, the Board will take action on items identified under the Consent Agenda at one time.

A. Board Meeting Minutes

1. May 2024 Meeting Minutes

B. Business Office Reports – Lisa Barbarick

1. Budget Amendments

2. Investment Report

3. Miscellaneous Business Office Reports

C. Purchases Over $50,000.00

1. Ledwell – Dr. Daya Hill/Dr. Kimberly Welsh

D. First Reading of Local Policy EIE - Academic Achievement: Retention and  Promotion – Dr. Kimberly Welsh

E. Second Reading of Revised Local Policy FDB: Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments – Maury Tarvin

F. Annual review of investment policy – Lisa Barbarick

G. Federally Funded Vendors: Instructional materials – Dr. Daya Hill/Dr. Kimberly Welsh

H. Federally Funded Vendors: Professional development and contracting consulting services – Dr. Daya Hill/Dr. Kimberly Welsh

I. Reschedule the July 2024 agenda review and regular meetings – Dr. Gabriel Trujillo

J. Adoption of the 2024-25 budget – Lisa Barbarick

K. Purchase of wearable silent panic alert buttons – Maury Tarvin

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by James Montoya and seconded  

by Mindy Winslow. The motion was approved.


A. Action resulting from executive/closed session – Farshid Niroumand

There was no action resulting from the executive/closed session.

9. ADJOURN – Meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m.