Fredonia Early Childhood Center receives Model PLC designation


Regular Meeting • Thursday, October 26, 2023



Board entered closed session at 5:01 p.m.

Board returned to open session at 6 p.m.


A. Invocation was provided by James Montoya.

B. Pledge of Allegiance led by students from Emeline Carpenter Elementary.


A. Fredonia Early Childhood Center named Model PLC Campus

Solution Tree named Fredonia a Model PLC Campus and was on hand for a special presentation to Principal Charles Zemanek and NISD’s Board of Trustees.

B. Superintendent Announcements – Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo

What a great performance Tuesday by the Golden Dragon Band in Waco at the State Military Marching Band Contest!!! I can’t say enough about Mr. Weems and his marching band… I was a band parent, and I know the amount of work – by staff and students – go into preparing for marching season. I also know what excellence looks like… and our band is excellent. Others do too… last week, during halftime at Texas High, the opposing team’s fans gave our band a standing ovation at the end of their halftime performance. It was wonderful to see. Next month, we’ll have Mr. Weems and some of his band members here at our board meeting for official recognition, but I want you all to know just how well they did Tuesday.

October is National Principals Month. This month-long celebration is an opportunity to recognize and thank our principals for their dedication, leadership, and impact they have on student success. I’ve been there… I know and understand the expectations we placed on these men and women, and I’m grateful – we’re all grateful – for everything they do and contribute to the successes we have here. 

McMichael Middle School teacher Pedro Tovar has been ranked fourth among 6,000 English as a Second Language teachers in Texas schools. Those schools represent around 300 districts in the state. The second-year teacher received the recognition this week from Texas Bilingual Education Association during an event held in McAllen. Tovar works with students newly arrived in the district and is credited with using innovative teaching methods to help students achieve high marks in the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System.

Also, NISD’s Bilingual and English as a Second Language Department received the 2022-23 Promising Practice Award last week during the Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement conference in Corpus Christi. The award recognizes and celebrates the contributions made by the department headed by Dr. Evelyn Sauceda, NISD’s Executive Director of Bilingual and ESL, and the development of the “Alianza Conexión Hispana Advisory Committee,” a groundbreaking initiative that aims to enhance communication, representation of parents and stakeholders, and participation within our district.

Nacogdoches High School had a number of students make the sale earlier this month at the 2023 Pineywoods Fair. We had students from NHS – and younger students from other campuses – showing animals and displaying shop projects. In fact, several of our high school shop projects placed in the competition and entered into the sale held on Saturday. Congratulations to these students and to our CTE Department.


No one asked to speak to the Board of Trustees.


Unless removed from the Consent Agenda, the Board will take action on items identified under the Consent Agenda at one time.

A. Board Meeting Minutes

1. September 2023 Meeting Minutes

B. Business Office Reports – Lisa Barbarick

1. Budget Amendments

2. Donations under $2,500.00

3. Investment Report

4. Miscellaneous Business Office Reports

C. CIPA Compliant Internet Safety Protocols – Michael Martin

D. Appointment of School Health Advisory Council Members and Approval of Meeting Dates for 2023-2024 – Maury Tarvin

E. Additional T-TESS Appraisers for the 2023-2024 School Year – Harold Whitaker

Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented was made by Mindy Winslow and seconded by Leabeth Abt. The motion was approved.


A. Action Resulting From Executive/Closed Session – Farshid Niroumand

There was no action from Executive/Closed Session.

B. Consideration of Resolution Declaring Intention to Sell Real Property located at 1005 Leroy Street, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 – Michael Martin

Motion to approve the Resolution Declaring Intention to Sell Real Property located at 1005 Leroy Street, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 was made by Leabeth Abt and seconded by Mindy Winslow. The motion was approved.


A. Bilingual Program Annual Evaluation – Dr. Evelyn Sauceda

B. Annual Data Review – Dr. Jo Lynn Corley/Ashley Boyett

C. Construction Update – Michael Martin

D. TASA/TASB Conference Delegate Assembly Report – T.C. Grohman, M.D. 

9.  ADJOURN – Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.