Our Mission
The Transportation Department is an important member of the educational team, which includes the school district and community. We strive for excellence and look for more efficient ways to improve our operation, while at the same time, always placing the safety of our students and employees first. We take seriously the trust and confidence that the parents and community have placed in us, to transport what is most precious, our children. We are committed to operating safe, clean, and mechanically defect‐free buses. Our interactions with students contribute to an atmosphere of learning and set the stage for a positive learning environment. An effective and efficient Transportation Department will improve the quality of education for our children and I look forward to working with all to ensure that our mission is accomplished.
The district makes school bus transportation available to all students. This service is provided at no cost to students.
Bus routes and stops will be designated annually, and any subsequent changes will be posted at the school and on the district’s website. For the safety of the operator of the vehicle and all passengers, students must board buses or other vehicles only at authorized stops, and drivers must unload passengers only at authorized stops.
The district has identified areas where hazardous conditions exist for students who live within two miles from the campus. Because students in these areas might encounter hazardous conditions when traveling to and from school independently, the district will provide transportation to these students. Please see the district website at www.nacisd.org for a list of hazardous routes and for additional information.
A parent may also designate a child-care facility or grandparent’s residence as the regular pickup and drop-off location for his or her child. The designated facility or residence must be on an approved stop on an approved route. For information on bus routes and stops or to designate an alternate pickup or drop-off location, you may contact the campus principal.
[See the Student Code of Conduct for provisions regarding transportation to the DAEP.]
Students are expected to assist district staff in ensuring that buses and other district vehicles remain in good condition and that transportation is provided safely. When riding in district vehicles, including buses, students are held to behavioral standards established in this handbook and the Student Code of Conduct. Students must:
Follow the driver’s directions at all times.
Enter and leave the vehicle in an orderly manner at the designated stop.
Keep feet, books, instrument cases, and other objects out of the aisle.
Not deface the vehicle or its equipment.
Not put head, hands, arms, or legs out of the window, hold any object out of the window, or throw objects within or out of the vehicle.
Not possess or use any form of tobacco on any district vehicle.
Observe all usual classroom rules.
Be seated while the vehicle is moving.
Fasten their seat belts, if available.
Wait for the driver’s signal upon leaving the vehicle and before crossing in front of the vehicle.
Follow any other rules established by the operator of the vehicle.
Misconduct will be punished in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct; the privilege to ride in a district vehicle, including a school bus, may be suspended or revoked.
Transportation Resources

3613 NE Stallings Dr.
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
Phone: (936) 552-8780